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Gloria Tranchida in an italian artist

1986 Gratuated in Chemistry

1987 Diploma of Painting at Decorative Arts Academy of Rome 

working at the Italian Mint specialized in security printing, anticounterfeiting and MKTG for collectors

Since 2005 exhibitions in Contemporary Art galleries in Italy and abroad

In 2013 founded the E.Co.Art Exhibition point in Rome ( 

In 2017 is co-founder of CoALa group (Collettivo Artisti del Lago di Bracciano)

In 2023 opens her art studio in Trevignano Romano opened also for exhibitions



The most of her paintings are dedicated to environmental and ecosustainability themes using classical techniques and an Upcycling  matheric mixed media with recycled paper and paperboard. In many Upcycling works she uses also metallic colours to show the value of the base materials saved from wastes.

It's strong her passion for paper as material and with recicled paper she also creates sculptures and bijoux.

Solo Exhibitions

2005 October "ECOMONDO 2005" Rimini Fair

2006 June "LUCI DI SCARTO" Padua - Riv56 Contemporary Art Space

2008 June "ENVIRONMENT..." , Budapest VAM Design Gallery

2009 October, "EMISSION TRADING", Rome - ZeroEmission fair

2011 June, "New Floral Icons" , Oriolo Romano (VT) - S.Antonio Church

2013 October, "Rifili", Rome - E.Co.Point

2014 September, "Leonia e le citta' invivibili" , Rome - E.Co.Point

2018 October, RomeArtWeek Open Studio 

2020 October, RomeArtWeek Open Studio 

2021 September, "PRUSSIAN BLUE ten poisoned Landscapes", Rome - E.Co.Point

2021 October, RomeArtWeek Open Studio

2022 January, " Gloria Tranchida - La nevrosi rituale della città e l'etica veritativa dell'arte", Canale Monterano - Contemporary Art Academic Gallery 

2022 October,"Upcycling Mirror, waste papers by Alessio Brugnoli & Gloria Tranchida ", Rome - E.Co.Point

2023 October, "Black City", double solo exhibition Marta Renzi & Gloria Tranchida , Rome - E.Co.Point

2024 October,"DeJaVu" OpenStudio for XX GdC AMACI

Group Exhibitions

2006 March, "Small, Medium, Large", Rome, GARD Gallery

2006 May , "Black & White" , Rome, GARD Gallery

2006 July , "Del Residu a l'Art", Barcelona , Centre Renovables de Col Cardus 

2006 September , "DonnArte", Cortona , S.Agostino Church

2006 November , "Micro&Macro" , Rome , Historical Military Museum

2006 December , "AvantGard RetroGard" , Rome , GARD Gallery

2007 January , "AvantGard RetroGard" , Rome , CRISPI Gallery

2007 February , "Scarti d'Autore" , Rome , Etoile Space

2007 March , "La Materia Ri-nata" , Rome , GARD Gallery

2007 March, "L'altro IO" , Rome , Sessoriana Academy

2007 March , "AvantGard RetroGard" , Rome , AOCF58 Gallery

2007 April , "Caos" , Rome , ARCH Gallery 

2007 May , "DiSegni DiVini" , Citta' della Pieve , Corgna Palace

2007 July , "RinasceRe" , Rome , Vista Gallery

2007 October , "RinasceRe" , Cortona , Girifalco Fortress 

2008 January, "DDang", Bracciano , Historical Archive

2008 January, "Different looks", Warsaw , Pracownia Galeria

2008 January, "Schiavitu'" Performance of social Art , Rome , Esquilino Market

2008 March, "Ti Riciclo in Arte", Rome , Fonderia delle Arti Space

2008 April, "Distanze di Sicurezza" , Rome Police Cars Museum

2008 April, "La Materia Ri-nata" , Rome , Gard gallery

2008 April, "Percorsi" , Civitavecchia , Michelangelo Fortress

2008 October, "Rifiuti Eccellenti" , Bracciano Civic Museum

2008 November,"Arte Italiana dal secondo Novecento ad Oggi", Sezze , Antiquarium Museum

2009 May, "Working Out Progress", Rome , Vista Gallery

2009 July, "Natura, Figure, Paesaggi", Vaiano , Badia Museum

2009 September, "Soqquadro Factory", Rome , Vista Gallery

2010 January, "Obama", Rome , Vista Gallery

2010 March, "10 minutes before", Rome , The International Women House

2010 May, "Convivenze", Torrita di Siena , Municipal Library

2010 June, "Soqquadro Factory", Reggio Emilia , Metamorfosi Gallery

2010 October, "Cinema, Cinema" , Rome , Tartaglia Art Gallery

2011 October, "Ma...Donne", Roma, Vista Gallery

2012 January, "Ma...Donne", Reggio Emilia , Metamorfosi Gallery

2012 September, "Soqquadro Factory", Preganziol(TV) , Elle Galeria

2013 January, "1^Int. Art Palermo Biennale", Palermo , Museum Sciortino Monreale

2013 April, "Int.Contemporary Art " Nizza Monferrato Biennale

2013 May, "Tendenze", Marino - Umberto Mastroianni Civic Museum

2013 October, "Identita' e Percorsi" , Citta' della Pieve - Corgna Palace

2013 November, "ArtePadova ContemporaryArt Talent Show" , Padova Fair

2014 October, "Analisi illogica" - Rome , The International Women House

2015 March, "Analisi illogica" - Turin - Spazio Arte Castello Gallery

2015 October, "Eque Azioni" - Rome - E.Co.Point

2017 February, "Generazioni" - Marino - U. Mastroianni Museum

2017 April, "Nel Nome Del Padre, Arte Sacra Contemporanea" - Sezze - Archaeological Museum

2017 May, "CoALa - Configurazione #1" - Viterbo - Alessandri Palace 

2017 December, "Con l'anima" - Rome - Evasioni Art Studio Gallery

2018 April, "Our Cityscapes" - Rome - Evasioni Art Studio Gallery

2018 December, "Venere e Adone" - Bracciano - Civic Museum

2019 March,"8.5.7 Umano.Interiore.Caotico"- Rome - E.Co.Point

2019 December, "CoALa otto - 8 artisti al civico 8"- Trevignano Romano - Rizzo Gallery 

2022 May, "CoALa - Configurazione #2" - Cerveteri - Ruspoli Palace

2023 March, "Idroscalo di Ostia - Una morte sbagliata" a tribute to P.P.Pasolini - Rome - Gard Gallery

2023 March, "Visioni Frammentate" - Trevignano Romano - Antonella Rizzo Gallery

2023 October, "Verde. Poetico. Insolito" - Sutri (VT)  - Arte XXXMiglia, Country Gallery

2024 October, "MIXTA" - RomeArtWeek​



2006 , Premis "Del Residu a l'Art" , Barcellona , selected

2017 , Premis "San Carlo Da Sezze" contemporary holy art , Sezze



"Solare" is acquired by the gallery collection in Budapest



2005,"Le Fonti Rinnovabili 2005" , on cover, ed. ENEA

2008, "L'altra Faccia del Macero", sect. Art , pag. 128 , ed. Comieco

2008, "post Kyoto e Cambiamenti Climatici", on cover, ed. ENEA

2009,"Tecnologie Ambientali per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile" , on cover, ed. ENEA

2010,"Le Fonti Rinnovabili 2010" , on cover, ed. ENEA

2010, "L'altra Faccia del Macero", sect.Art , pag.144 ed. Comieco

2012, "OverArt", n.5 , pag.56, ed.EA

2013, "1^Biennale Int.le Arte Palermo", general catalogue of works , pag.728, ed.EA

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